
Being healed through Antojai Quantum Reiki is so powerful that it has shifted major parts of me that I was not aware of.

I released so much and feel awakened and guided to even shift my own self.

I have seen so many go through intense healing and it is always a fascinating and transformative experience to witness.

There’s an immense amount of knowledge in the community.

The experienced coaches are very kind and create a loving atmosphere to be around.

You will never get bored. Your experience is infinite! 

My manifestation are finally becoming real after this program!

Aaron Davis

Antojai Quantum Reiki Instructor

I have been taking the Quantum Reiki Grand Master course with Master Antojai and let me just tell you that it has been life-changing!

During the instructional sessions, he has guided us through so many scenarios, several meditations, and healing boosts! He is always open to questions and gives you honest answers and feedback in a no-nonsense loving way which I just love.

He has such a wealth of knowledge and depth of personal experience. My connection to source and Antojai is much stronger now and continues to grow.

I am feeling so good about myself and life right now!

I have had several positive changes and synchronistic shifts occur in my personal life during this time and I owe it all to him and the beautiful Coaches at Antojai Wellness Academy.

With deep gratitude and love 🙏 ✨️ ❤

Sonia Meidinger

Antojai Quantum Reiki Instructor 

Antojai Quantum Reiki is the next level in quantum energy healing! This is true shamanism at its core that actually produces miraculous results.

It goes beyond the limitations of traditional reiki to heal at the cellular level, and the results it produces in my clients are transformations not seen in any other modality.

It’s not just healing. It is a shift into a new reality. 

Antojai Quantum Reiki is the essence of life.  It brings your client’s experience to a transcendental state. Antojai Quantum Reiki heals your patients mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

My patients love the experience, the synchronicities, and the real results! It has made my business stand out from the rest of the crowd, and it was the best investment I ever did for my spiritual path and business.

I am proud to be an Antojai Graduate & Shaman.

Monica Pescador

Antojai Quantum Reiki Instructor, Antojai Alchemy Instructor, Coach and Antojai Ascended Master

This is it. I have been practicing various healing modalities for the last two decades but always found that there was something amiss. And then I found Antojai Quantum Reiki. Axel is a genuine guru who is always working for the upliftment of all the souls connected to his divine mission. This has taken my understanding and healing capabilities to the next level. I believe that Antojai Quantum Reiki is the spiritual healing technology for the evolution of humankind!

Shyam Dembla

Antojai Quantum Reiki Practitioner and Instructor

“QR3 is the best class I’ve participated in yet!”

Eric Johnson

Antojai Quantum Reiki Practitioner and Instructor

I am so grateful for Antojai Quantum Reiki and how it continues to change my life and broaden my perspectives. Axel provides us with such a wealth of knowledge. It has blown my mind! It has had such a positive impact on my life. I am excited for what my future holds and plan on deepening my practice and level of understanding. Quantum Reiki has shifted how I view myself and has given me a self-confidence boost.

Sonia Meidinger

Antojai Quantum Reiki Practitioner and Instructor